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Matthew 28:19   “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 

Have You Been Baptized in Water Since You Believed? The church performs water baptism to fulfill the words of the Master, Jesus Christ. The Water Baptism Ministry reaches out to all who are old enough to: – Realize that they are sinners – Understand that they need the Savior Jesus Christ – Repent and become born again by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior   “Saving” is when a person is baptized into Christ at Salvation. The outward sign ”Water Baptism” of the physical man being immersed in water does not produce salvation but produces an answer of a good conscience toward God – an outward sign of what is going on in the inner man.   Water baptism has nothing to do with the removal of sinful nature. At the same time, it is a recognition that it has happened and your conscience is free to God.   Water baptism is an excellent time to break habits, release sins, controls, bondages, fear, and yokes that have been on people’s lives. It is an excellent time to lose things from a person’s life. This is a divine opportunity to walk in the newness of life and let go of the old life. People can even be totally healed in water baptism because their faith is released.   Baptism puts you in that place of authority. It’s an affirmation of what has taken place in the spirit.   “I affirm to the world, peers, and myself that this is so. I reckon myself dead.”   You reckon yourself dead. You reckon yourself dead to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. “Reckon” means “take full account of, know.”  “Likewise, reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to sin once; but in that he lives, he lives unto God.”

Romans 6:11 – Manner of Baptism   The manner of baptism is by immersion.   The two understandings of the Greek word “baptizo” are:

  1. To immerse, submerge and emerge. To go in, to go under and come out of or get in, get under and up.
  2. To tie-dye; cannot separate colors once dye touches fabric – it becomes one with the fabric, the dye itself becomes a part of that fabric in its identification. You can’t separate something that is tie-dyed from the fabric.

When Jesus Christ comes into the heart of a person, you can’t separate Jesus from that person. When a person is water baptized, it is an outward identification that he is tie-dyed with the death of Jesus of Nazareth.   They died in Him; they are risen together in him. We become one with Christ in salvation. In water baptism, this experience is solidified.   “The like figure where unto baptism does now also save us, (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 3:21   “like figure” – figure is an outward sign of something.   When a person has the “figure of baptism, they take the outward sign of baptism.   Vs.21b – Water baptism is a figure of what happened when you received Jesus Christ – an outward act of an inward experience   Water baptism is an ordinance of the church, symbolizing to the world that one has died with Jesus, and has also been raised with Him in resurrection power to walk in newness of life.   Water baptism is an outward sign of the inward work that Jesus did on the cross of Calvary.

IAM Church baptizes the 2nd Sunday of every month You do not have to be a member of IAM to be baptized. Just bring a change of clothes (dark colors) and a towel. There is brief teaching explaining water baptism and then you can be baptized. You will receive a Water Baptism Certificate with your name on it.

You will be contacted by email from one of our Pastoral Staff to confirm your family’s participation in the ceremony. Submission of this form does not imply approval of your Water Baptismal Request is just making us aware that you are interested.

For more information, contact us at by submitting this Form:





    Date of Birth:


    Street Address:

    Phone Number:
    If you are under 18, please indicate that you have permission to be baptized.

    Father Name:

    Mother Name:

    Guardian Name:

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