Baby Dedication Request
Sign-Up to attend a Baby Dedication class, which is a requirement for dedication of your child during Sunday Worship services. Baby Dedication is Held during worship services each Month. Parents are required to attend the Baby Dedication class.
Baby & Child Dedication Question & Answers:
- Question: What is Baby/Child Dedication?
Answer: Baby dedication and child dedication are the act of giving back to God the gift he has given you as parents. It is an act of worship, thanksgiving, dependence, trust, and commitment. The practice of child dedication has been modeled throughout the Bible. For Example, Hannah (I Samuel 1:24-28) brought her long-awaited son Samuel to the priest Eli to dedicate him to the Lord. Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple for his dedication (Luke 2:22-24). We recognize that salvation only comes to a child through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not passed on to a child through dedication. Parents covenant to raise their children by modeling Godly principles with the desire that one day, their children will receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
- Question: Is dedication the same as infant baptism or christening?
Answer: Child dedication is different from infant baptism or christening. While these rites are significant for a variety of faiths, it is the practice of IAM CHURCH to dedicate children. We at IAM CHURCH believe that all infants are destined for heaven should they die before they are old enough to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We also believe the Bible teaches that baptism should take place after a person has made a personal choice to follow Jesus Christ.
- Question: When & Where is Baby & Child Dedication?
Answer: Child dedications are scheduled during morning worship service, You must register for upcoming dedications. An orientation meeting will be scheduled prior to each dedication and is required in order to participate in the dedication.
- Question: What if I am unable to attend the Child Dedication Orientation Class?Can my spouse attend the orientation for both of us?
Answer: The orientation class is a required part of the dedication process for each parent desiring to dedication his or her child at IAM Church. If you are unable to attend the orientation class, inquire about future dates.
- Question: I am a single parent. May I still dedicate my child?
Answer: Absolutely! A parent’s marital status has no bearing on the baby being dedicated to the Lord.
- Question: Who should we invite to the Dedication Service? Do I need to select “God parents” for my child?Answer: The Celebration of Life Dedication Service is a very special time, so be sure to invite your family and friends. There is no limit on the number of guest you may invite! We certainly support your choice of significant individuals to offer support and encouragement and to hold you accountable to the commitment you will be making.
- Question: How do I schedule my baby’s blessing? Answer: Registration is required for baby dedication. You may schedule your child for upcoming baby dedications at Form Below or contact us at 602-332-0837. Please note: Baby Dedications can be scheduled up to four months in advance if space is available.
- Question: Do I need to check in for the baby dedication?
Answer: Yes. You should arrive at the Worship Center by 30 minutes prior to service to check in,pickup your baby dedication certificate, and be helped with seating arrangements for Family and Guest.
- Question:Do I have to be a Member of IAM CHURCH to participate in the Celebration of Life Child Dedication?
Answer: One parent must be a member of IAM Church to the Nations. We only ask that you be regular attendees with a desire to raise/bring your child up in Godly, Christ centered home.
- Question: Will there be refreshments for our guests?
Answer: There will be light refreshments for your guests at the dedication service but you may wish to have a small reception at your home or at a nearby restaurant either before or after your dedication.
- Question:Being a new Christian, I am a little nervous about all of this.
Answer: Baby Dedications are a joyous occasion. If you are a new Christian, we are delighted to be a part of this important step in your newly found walk with Jesus. Our intent is to come alongside of you and help ensure that the Child Dedication is a non-threatening process that will be a personal time of deep significance for you and your family.
You will be contacted by email from one of our Pastoral Staff to confirm your family’s participation in the ceremony. Submission of this form does not imply an approval of your baby’s dedication just making us aware that you are interested.
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