Young At HEART Seniors Miniseries

Home / Young At HEART Seniors Miniseries

“…they flourish in the courts of our God.  They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the LORD is upright…” — Psalm 24:6

Welcome to Young At Heart Senior’s Ministry page. Whoever trusts in the Lord will continue to bear good fruit at every stage of their life.
The certain promise of God to his people is that he will always be at work in and through us, regardless of our circumstances, abilities, or age. This is an essential truth for the older adults in our church communities. We live in a world that frequently marginalizes and dismisses the role and value of older adults. This must not be so for God’s people, for older adults play a vital role in the life of the church.
Whether it is training a younger generation, sharing wisdom, or recounting God’s faithfulness in times of peril, Young at Heart Seniors have an important function in the kingdom of God.

Young At Heart is a group of seniors (Age 65 and up) that meet for fellowship and spiritual enrichment. Activities include:

  • Birthday Fellowships every 4 months
  • Monthly Field Trips
  • Quarterly Breakfast – TBD
  • Annual Gala (4th Friday in September)
MINISTRY MEETING SCHEDULE: Monthly – every 2nd Wednesday after 12 Noon Bible Study
JOIN NOW and get ready for an exciting time with our Seasoned Saints!