Baptism Sunday
Baptism Sunday


Sun, October 13, 2024    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm


3108 W. Thomas Rd. Ste. 1204, Phoenix, Arizona, 85017

Event Type


  • You are required to attend or watch the Baptism Class, prior to being baptized.
  • Water Baptism is conducted every 2nd Sunday of the month, immediately following the conclusion of the Worship service.
  • Announcements will be made prior to the close of the Worship Service.

Before being baptized, you must receive or have already received salvation (Acts 2:38,

2:41, Acts 16:30-33, and Mark 16:16). 

  • If you need to receive salvation, please respond to the next Altar Call given by the Pastors, and you will be ministered to in the area of salvation.
  • Afterwards, the Altar Worker helping you will sign you up for Baptism.

If you have already received salvation, you can sign up for Baptism at the Concierge’s Desk in the foyer, at the front of the church. You will still need to attend the Baptism Class, prior to being baptized. 

  • The Baptismal Service is performed by immersion and according to Acts 2:38; Acts 8:12, 35-38; Acts 10:47-48 and Acts 19:4-5.
  • Baptism is intended to be your public testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ in your life. A brief service will be held. You are encouraged to invite your family and friends to attend.

After you sign up for Baptism, the Baptismal Director will contact you regarding your class and your Baptism service date.

  • Baptism is not a method of joining the IAM Church. If you wish to join the church, you may speak to the Membership Services Department at 602-332-0837 or contact the IAM Church that you attend for more info.



  • A change of clothes to be baptized in.
  • A large plastic bag to take wet clothes.
  • A comb or brush and any other such clothing that you may feel you need.
  • Suggested for Men: Dark Pants, white socks, white shirt or T-shirt and a change of clothes.
  • Suggested for Women: A loose fitting dress that may be pinned at the knees, or very baggy or loose-fitting shorts/pants, as well as a blouse or shirt. clothes (suitable for maintaining moisture without being transparent after becoming wet). Preferably, a dark T-shirt, dark pants, white socks, and a change of clothes.
  • Unacceptable: Revealing, tight fitted garments and/or no undergarments.

You will be contacted by e-mail or phone call from one of our Pastoral/Ministerial Staff to confirm your family’s participation in the ceremony. 

 For more information, contact us at by submitting this Form:

    Your Name*

    Your Address

    Phone Number*

    Your Email*

    Custom Request*

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