2nd Annual Camp Meeting
2nd Annual Camp Meeting


Fri, June 28, 2024 - Sun, June 30, 2024    
All Day

Event Type

1.    What is Camp Meeting?  In January 2023, the Lord spoke to Pastor Alfred E. Craig Jr. and Noel Craig hold a special event where believers received from All Walks of ministry to Break Generational, Cultural, Denomination and Religious Barriers and Bring forth the Kingdom of God from the Word of God reinforced by powerful moves of the Holy Spirit.

2.    Why should I Attend Camp Meeting? This Yearly Gathering is for Kingdom Citizens to come to be Recharged to go back to there local Assemblies after receiving Word-based exhortation and instruction from hosts Pastors and other anointed men and women of God while the Holy Spirit performs Unity, Leadership, Healings and other signs and wonders.

3.    When is Camp Meet?  June 28 – 30th, 2024, Friday – Sunday

4.    Where is Camp Meeting Located?  Campmeeting is held on the IAM Church campus in the Great City and State of Phoenix, Arizona.

5.     Will the services be Live-streamed?  Yes. All services will be livestreamed on You-Tube, and Facebook

6.    When should I arrive on Campus?  On-site registration begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 28th. at IAM Church Lobby. The first service  and Prayer is at 5:30 p.m. on June 28th.

7.     What Personal Material should I bring?  We recommend you bring your Bible, a notepad, and pen. You may also want to bring a camera for use outside of ministry sessions.

8.     How much does this Event cost? Camp-meeting is free of charge.

9.     Are there children services?  No Children’s ministry is available.

10.    How do I pre-register? Click Link or Text 602-332-0837

11.    Is there a Dress-Code?  No, there is no dress code. You can come as you are. Typically attendees wear casual clothes in the morning services and dress up more for the evening services.

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